Wednesday, March 3, 2010

[ flintstone vitamins shouldn't work for adults the same way they do for kids. ]

i think i'm beginning to hate people. or certain types. i don't know - i was sitting in the library, trying to do my homework, and the girl on the right side of my cubicle started chewing with her mouth open. then she started rustling the damn potato chip bag. two sounds that mess with my anxiety. i wanted to smash her skull against the table.

i tried. honestly. i had headphones on, had incubus turned up a little bit. nothing worked. i couldn't take it.

i packed my stuff up, went back to my room. luckily, RB was online.

microbiology lab was pretty bad. i almost cried because i couldn't find any damn bacteria on my slides after searching for 20 minutes. thank God the lab TA is a nice girl who was willing to help me out. whoever set up the lab this week (the week before spring break) is a fucking idiot. seriously - 3 experiments within 2.5 hours? no one is going to go to the lab during the break, and EVERYONE is going to be there on friday, trying to get last-minute readings.

in other news: if i have to clean this bathroom one more time (when it's not my scheduled week), i will break someone. it would be fine if i was living alone or with my boyfriend or something, but no - i live with 3 girls. 1 of whom thinks that she's some chinese princess, when in reality she's an idiot that told me that i remind her of her filipino servant back home. wtf. are you serious? the other is a sorority girl who isn't around much, which is fine. my roommate cleans now and then. but still - 75% of the mess comes from frickin' china in 318-A. racist bitch.

i know, i know. i'm asian on the outside. but i'm not on the inside. i don't know what i am on the inside. but race is no immediate factor for friendship. i don't give a damn if your eyes are shaped a certain way or if your skin is yellow, you're not my friend just because of that. hence - i hate all these stupid cliques on campus. jeez - get some variety, people! then again...i don't really have any asian friends. does family count? half-asian people?

i wrote a character sketch about my grandma today. it kind of made me sad, even though the song behind it wasn't all that depressing. i guess i do kind of look forward to seeing her when i get home.

bed soon. early morning. studying, and 2 days till home.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, good times...booty popping on skype. I have no idea where I'm staying. I may just stay at Phil's hat for that time in the summer. I think I'm going back to Texas.
