Monday, March 29, 2010

[ don't quite know what's physiologically wrong with me... ]

but since this is basically anonymous, i guess i won't be afraid to say that during this past week, i've had the worst gas ever. yes, gas. as in, farting, burping, bloating, whatever. i don't know what's caused this, but it's really annoying and uncomfortable feeling like a balloon all the time. le boyf thought i was pregnant. i've taken 2 tests, one on Wednesday and one last night. both were negative. so it's not that. the entire feeling went away when i was at home this weekend.

anyway. this weekend was nice. i spent all of yesterday sleeping and having sex at the boyfriend's house. oh, heaven - parents were out of town and unable to bother me as well.

this weekend was also ang and phil's performance of the tempest. it's sad knowing that they won't be acting together again...not like that anyway. she was ariel, and he was caliban. the director inserted bob marley music throughout the acts, so the show was thoroughly enjoyable.

idiot roommate & i got into a bit of a fight, and i'm done putting up with her stupidity/selfishness. done. done. done. i've been living in the JC for the past week, avoiding her fat ass, trying to get work done. it's fucking loud in here though...i don't know how people get anything finished. also - it's also difficult to find a quiet place to study in FENWICK.

i sat down in a corner on the 4th floor, and all of a sudden mrs. i-hack-my-lungs-out, sat in the cubicle in front of mine. are you fucking serious? this woman had the worst cough i've ever heard. i got up and left for the 5th floor, where random chinese people kept walking around this level in circles and some random chick in clack-y high heels kept walking on the linoleum. back and forth. wha-the-fuck?

for. the. love. of. christ. - why can't i find a decent place to study on this damn campus?

my parents are in hawaii until sunday. must be nice.

i'm going hiking/camping for the first time ever apr. 17th with rob and the youth kids. this should be interesting.

i really don't like this place.

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